How Do Blogs Make Money?

Well in this article we are going to go over the many different ways that will show you how blogs make money.  Number one on the list would be by maximizing the blog space and putting up spots for people to advertise in.

Once you have a well-established blog that is providing good and unique content on a regular basis, you should start to see a steady amount of traffic flowing into your website.  Let’s take a closer look at this model because it seems like everybody knows it to be true but they simply don’t do it. If I am writing a blog post or putting together some type of content, what do you think is the first thing I will do? I am going to do my keyword research and see if I can find a good and well-searched title for my post.

When you have a moment I would advise you to have look at videos from Mick Meaney about how he got started in the business. This exact concept is how I drive traffic and how you can too! Once you begin targeting your blog posts, you make sure you have a way to capture email addresses to get leads into your funnel.

Now those are two ways for how blogs to make money and number 3 would be affiliate marketing. You see on the right side of this post I have some ads. Now none of them are paid ads but they are affiliate ads. If someone clicks on them and buys what is being sold, I get a commission and I get a commission every month!

So there are three examples of how blogs make money but none of it will happen if you have no traffic. Traffic to a blog is just as essential as oxygen to a human being. Without it, your blog will be stagnant and dead. Either look around for some paid resources or do a little targeted blog posting and you will start to see visitors trickling in. Then set up an auto-responder with a good follow-up series and you will definitely begin to see some results.

Another topic I want to touch on with blogging really quickly is mentality. That I believe one should adopt before starting a blog. Blogging for money is a giant task that only should be taken on if you have the fortitude to see it through.

Unless you are starting out with an older domain name it will take at least a year for the search engines to give you the proper respect. Making money online is simple but it does take time. Now I hope you have a good understanding of how blogs make money and now you can too!

With all of that said you are going to have to go above and beyond when it comes to separating yourself from all the others. And this book is one you’ve seen but it was the catalyst that got money coming in for me.

Make Money Book

$10 for shipping but the insights in this book could make you seriously thousands per month. And to be honest. Think of it as paying for an education but with a damn sure higher return.